
$ 199.00 USD

SMI Strings MxM makes strings manipulation even more powerful, offering a complete new set of commands never available before in Medialon Manager. Split, swap and trim strings. Count substrings, convert or remove non-print characters, check string format. And as this is not enough, SMI Strings MxM introduces Regex to Medialon's programming. Regex (regular expressions) is a codified method of searching that is extremely powerful and well known to developers around the world. With SMI Strings MxM and the Regex syntax, string computation is limitless.

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  • Medialon Manager Pro Version 6.5.1 and later

  • Medialon Manager Lite Version 6.5.1 and later

  • Showmaster Go, Pro, ST or LE only (Firmware 2.4.0 and later)


The SMI MxMs

Medialon Manager and Showmaster includes MXMs plug-ins to add functionalities or control the new type of devices encountered in modern AV / IT installations: SQL Database for data management, FTP Site for media management and transfer, Email engine, Telephony engine to build up a DTMF server, etc. To extend the set of tools provided with Medialon Manager software, Smart Monkeys, Inc. (SMI) has developed a series of additional MxMs that give programmers even more flexibility and capabilities. Please, refer to Medialon General User's Guide for more details on MXMs and MRCs